2023, How to renew your Motorcycle Registration In Cebu City, Philippines.
The renewal of the motorcycle registration in Cebu/Mandaue city is always a stressful process especially if you’re a first timer or not prepared when it comes to the requirements.
Good thing is we can now ask directly the PMVIC to have a renewal package where it includes the checking your vehicle and at the same time they’ll the one will process your new OR (Official Receipt) of the vehicle registration instead of you’re the one who will be going to the LTO offices. but just keep this in mind that it will take a few days, so you’ll just wait for their text for you to get the new OR.
But before that, you need to secure first the basic requirements.
I’ll just copy my previous vehicle registration documentation.
reference: https://ligan-june.medium.com/how-to-renew-your-motorcycle-registration-in-cebu-city-philippines-2021-c1b6f5827a78
- Requirements:
— OR photocopy — Official Receipt of your previous registration
— CR photocopy — Certificate of Registration of your motorcycle.
NOTE: Photocopy your OR and CR before going to the LTO
— Chassis Number and Engine Number(Motorshop or PMVIC)
— Smoke Emission Testing Certificate (approved by PMVIC)
— Motorcycle Testing Certificate (approved by PMVIC)
— CTPL — Compulsory Third Party Liability (included in the Package)
— Motorcycle Tuned-up and fixed parts (Motorshop) - Spent Days:
— PMVIC half-day, you’ll have to wait after the vehicle check-up is done - Total payment:
— PHP 430.00 (CTPL or insurance MC)
— PHP 50.00 (Chassis And Engine Number) (can be free)
— PHP 1240 (Smoke Emission & Motorcycle Checking)
— PHP 560 (OR printing and others or Renewal Payment)
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
— PHP 2280 (Total)
NOTE: This is excluding your motorcycle fixed, your photocopy expenses and your time spent in the process 😜
The Process
- Park your motorcycle in the motorcycle-area-queue
(The staffs will just get the papers in the cashier that are ready to be checked, just be mindful when they call you out for the KEY) 😸
2. Prepare the basic requirements.
— OR photocopy — Official Receipt of your previous registration.
— CR photocopy — Certificate of Registration of your motorcycle.
Present the photocopies to the PMVIC staff and just tell them that you want to avail the Motorcycle-registration renewal package.
3. Once you received the papers for payment (image below)
4. Then proceed to the cashier and present the papers including the payment OR, CR and the chassis and engine number.
5. Then once done with the payment, you’ll just have to wait in the waiting area until they’ll call your name.
6.If everything is fine after checking, they’ll give you the papers back.
7.And then, they’ll tell you to go back to the PMVIC office and submit the papers.
8.Then the PMVIC Officer will tell you what’s the next action, it’s either wait for their text or you can call them directly. and please ask them if will not tell you anything 😅
PMVIC (Private Motor Vehicle Inspection Center, Mandaue Branch, Near Old North Bus Terminal Mandaue City and At the back of the Jollibee)
Here’s the google map link: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/North+Bus+Terminal,+Mandaue+City,+Cebu/Cebu+city+PMVIC/@10.3195568,123.9264519,18z/am=t/data=!4m15!4m14!1m5!1m1!1s0x33a9990eab20cc67:0xf45a7ef54d50ac1e!2m2!1d123.924947!2d10.3184393!1m5!1m1!1s0x33a999b3eccd79bd:0xaedfbceeaea62555!2m2!1d123.9271522!2d10.3198857!3e0!5i1
9. Once you received a text, you can now get your OR in the PMVIC office.
Official Receipt of my renewal LTO registration.
10. You’re now good to go. Sorry for the long post. 😅
Have a safe trip! 😸
Reference from my previous registration renewal doc: