How to renew your Motorcycle Registration In Cebu City, Philippines. 2021

June Ligan
7 min readFeb 5, 2021


The 2021 renewal of the motorcycle registration in Cebu/Mandaue city is sometimes stressful especially if you’re a first timer or not prepared when it comes to the requirements.


  • Requirements:
    —OR photocopy — Official Receipt of your previous registration
    —CR photocopy — Certificate of Registration of your motorcycle.
    — CTPL — Compulsory Third Party Liability (purchased in Cebuana Lhuillier)
    — Motorcycle Tuned-up and fixed parts (Motorshop)
    — Chassis Number and Engine Number(Motorshop or PMVIC)
    — Smoke Emission Testing Certificate (approved by PMVIC)
    — Motorcycle Testing Certificate (approved by PMVIC)
    NOTE: Photocopy everything before going to the LTO
  • LTO(Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu)
    — Guard will collect the requirements.
    — Wait for the announcement for the next step.
    — Pay your renewal registration payment
  • Spent Days:
    — PMVIC will take time, probably 1 day
    — LTO Lapu-Lapu — probably 1 day if you’re patient and your requirements are complete
  • Total payment:
    — PHP 300.00 (CTPL)
    — PHP 50.00 (Chassis And Engine Number)
    — PHP 600.00 (Smoke Emission & Motorcycle Testing)
    — PHP 355.00 (Renewal Payment)
    — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
    — PHP 1305.00 (Total)
    NOTE: This is excluding your motorcycle fixed, your photocopy expenses and your time spent in the process 😜

The Process

So, we’ll start first with the requirements.
OR photocopy — Official Receipt of your previous registration.
CR photocopy — Certificate of Registration of your motorcycle.
CTPL — Compulsory Third Party Liability, This is an insurance for the third party involved in an accident.
- Smoke Emission Testing Certificate
- Motorcycle Check up Certificate
It is better to secure first the requirements before going to the LTO (Land Transportation Office) and also this will help you to avoid those fixers.
NOTE: if possible avoid those fixers, just do it this with respect if ever they’ll ask you, to avoid conflicts maybe something like “I’ve already completed my requirements”.

In my case, I just acquired my Motorcycle Third Party Insurance (CTPL — ) for around 300.00 Pesos in Cebuana Lhuillier which is nearby to the place where I stayed but you can avail this to the other pawnshop or to your lawyers if you have. (Disclaimer: This is not an advertisement or sponsored blog)

Next will be the Motorcycle Check-up, It is better to check first your motorcycle parts before going to the PMVIC (Private Motor Vehicle Inspection Center) and this will help you to avoid “retest” and it will cost you more. You can go to the Motor-shop and ask to check these basic parts:
1.a) Front Main Lights
— Make sure that the main light and its high beam is not too bright because they have Light Checker in the PMVIC (Not sure what’s the right bright of the light but on my side, I just used my stack front lights), Should not produce too much light when hitting the gas.
1.b) Front/Back Signal Light
— Make sure that the lights are working according to the settings (These will be checked by the PMVIC personnel)
1.c) Rear/Brake Light
— Make sure that the lights will turn-ON when you step the brake (should bright more if its lights are already ON).
2.) Side Mirrors
— Make sure to replace your side mirrors if there’s any damage on it.
3.) Brake Pads/Shoe (Front/Back)
— Make sure that it will stop the wheels when it is pressed.(The PMVIC have these machines with computers that will auto run the front/back wheels just to test the brakes; Not sure though about their ideal successful brake test)
4.) Motorcycle Smoke Exhaust (Tambucho)
— Make sure that your motorcycle is not producing too much smoke. (The PMVIC will also check this part since it is already included in their motorcycle checking package)
5.) Motorcycle Exhaust sound
— Make sure that the sound is not that too loud when hitting the gas, PMVIC will use a machine for this to check if it is in the average level of sound.
6.) Tune-Up & Change oil
— Make sure to change oil or tune-up your motorcycle if it’s already
7.) Motorcycle horn
— Make sure that it is working and not too loud
8.) Motorcycle side mirrors
— Make sure that it is not broken.

DIY: Get your Chassis Number and Engine Number
— Usually the Chassis number can be found to the right of the headstock tube. Usually on the part of the frame that the forks go through, underneath the throttle.
— Usually a motorcycle engine number can be found on or directly above (sometimes under) the crankcase
NOTE: You can also ask someone to get these, sometimes the smoke emission personnel offers this process.

Once everything already tested on your side, then you’re now ready to face the next step which is PMVIC (Private Motor Vehicle Inspection Center).
LTO — PMVIC Motor Vehicle Testing Center Mandaue Branch (Near North Bus Terminal Mandaue City, At the back of the Jollibee)
Here’s the google map link:,+Mandaue+City,+Cebu/Cebu+city+PMVIC/@10.3195568,123.9264519,18z/am=t/data=!4m15!4m14!1m5!1m1!1s0x33a9990eab20cc67:0xf45a7ef54d50ac1e!2m2!1d123.924947!2d10.3184393!1m5!1m1!1s0x33a999b3eccd79bd:0xaedfbceeaea62555!2m2!1d123.9271522!2d10.3198857!3e0!5i1

  1. You will have to fall in line for the priority number, Once done
PMVIC line for priority number

2. Once you get your priority number, you can now go inside and directly approach the information personnel, so they can encode your priority data to the computer. Next will be the waiting game.

Computerized Priority Number

3. Once your priority number will be presented in the Screen (Monitor), You can now go to the Payment Step which is in the different location near the Motorcycle/Car Testing Dome. The Payment for motorcycle package is PHP 600.00 Pesos (Smoke Emission Testing + Motorcycle Parts Testing) while Car is PHP 1800.00 Pesos.

PMVIC Dome for payment and vehicle testing

4. Once you’re done with the Payment, you can now fall in line your motorcycle, Just ask the guard or the authorize personnel about the line for the testing. Once your motorcycle is now in the line, you will proceed to the other side for the waiting game. They provide chair and water since this will be a long process. I’ve waited around 2–3 hours here at that time (started 12:00 PM until around ~3:+PM)

The starting Line and its testing area
Other end of the PMVIC Dome (Waiting Area)
Other end of the PMVIC Dome (Waiting Area)

5. The result/certificate will be given once done. Ask for advice if your motorcycle does not pass the test.
NOTE: Photocopy everything else for your extra copy.

6. If you pass the test, you can now go to the LTO (Land Transportation Office) but there’s a catch, the PMVIC emission testing certificate is only GOOD for the Lapu-Lapu Branch.

LTO Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines

NOTE: If you want to apply the renewal in the Cebu City or Mandaue City LTOs, you have to get an emission testing outside the PMVIC (Not sure though what to say >_< though) so, you’ll have to decide if it’s okay with you to pay another emission testing just to proceed to your target LTO.
On my side, I renewed my registration in the Lapu-Lapu Branch but it was the day after since I’m already late to go there.

6. In my experience, I have to go early(8:00AM) to the Lapu-Lapu LTO and wait for the guard to collect the requirements needed for the renewal. Wait for their announcement. At my time, they’ve said that they’ll just contact us if there’s a problem else, you can go back to the LTO at 2–3PM in the afternoon for the Payment.
On my side, I came back there the next day since I have work at that time. Their reason why it takes time because they have to encode our data to their computer, they’re making sure that the chassis number/engine number are correct.
Here’s the google map:,+A.+S.+Fortuna+Street,+Mandaue+City,+Cebu/Land+Transportation+Office+-+Lapu-Lapu+District+Office,+Lapu-Lapu+City,+Cebu/@10.3279241,123.9428616,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x33a998543654603b:0xf5ac8fdfd1ef5d17!2m2!1d123.9344385!2d10.3358431!1m5!1m1!1s0x33a999dac914fa4b:0x988d6c2993de1371!2m2!1d123.9642978!2d10.3168536!3e0

- Just answer their questions if they’ll text you, in my experience, they’ve just asked if what Barangay that I’m belong to.

8:00 AM - inside the LTO (waiting area for renewal of registration payment)

7. Go back for the renewal payment which is around PHP 355.00 Pesos where it also includes the “Change Venue Fee” since I’m currently registered in the Mandaue City LTO. They’ll only provide a printed copy and the expected output is somewhat photocopy.

Official Receipt of my renewal LTO registration.

8. You’re now good to go. Sorry for the long post.



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